Osteoporosis is a disease of low bone density that starts during the growth period of childhood and manifests itself later in life. It is only during the growth period that the lifetime bone density bank can be filled. Of great concern are the postural changes and fractures associated with osteoporosis that limit one's lifespan and quality of life. BackTpack, a posture bag, provides the loading mechanics that enhance bone density as well as posture strengthening and training throughout life. It also assists in balance with activity, thereby reducing fall risk.
Recent research at Ball State University's Biomechanics Lab compared postural changes with BackTpack vs the commom backpack, with increasing loads. They found that not only did BackTpack not distort natural posture as did backpacks, but they saw a carryover of the postural distortion from the loaded backpack even after the bag had been removed.
Many people with osteoporosis have back pain and need a carrying system that allows activity without pain. If someone has been experiencing back pain when using a conventional backpack, this pain is usually relieved by switching to the posture bag, BackTpack.
Unlike the commonly used weighted vest for osteoporosis rehabilitation, BackTpack has several options for loading the body to accommodate affected areas, such as the use of the hip-loading belt to bypass loading a painful spine. This allows the user to maintain loading through the hips while allowing a spinal problem to heal. Another feature unique to BackTpack and extremely important for those with osteoporosis is the LAP-STRAP — the strap across your thighs when seated. Since the spine should not be loaded in a flexed position or during sitting, this strap allows you to sit without having to twist and bend to remove your bag, but still unloads your spine immediately upon sitting.
C. M. Weaver, C. M. Gordon, K. F. Janz, H. J. Kalkwarf, J. M. Lappe, R. Lewis, M. O’Karma, T. C. Wallace, B. S. Zemel, "The National Osteoporosis Foundation’s position statement on peak bone mass development and lifestyle factors: a systematic review and implementation recommendations" , Volume 27, Issue 4, pp 1281–1386.
Abstract: Bone mass is built throughout childhood. This process is especially rapid during adolescence, reaching a peak shortly after peak height. By 4 years following the peak in height, 95 % of adult bone mass has been achieved. This period of rapid bone growth is the crucial "time of both opportunity and vulnerability for optimizing peak bone mass.” The National Osteoporosis Foundation "recommend[s] lifestyle choices that promote maximal bone health from childhood through young to late adolescence and outline[s] a research agenda to address current gaps in knowledge. The best evidence is available for positive effects of calcium intake and physical activity, especially during the late childhood and peripubertal years—a critical period for bone accretion." Download a PDF of the full article.