BackTpack Testimonials: Special Needs

BackTpack makes carrying anything much easier [when walking] with assistance dogs

Ed wearing BackTpack with Alepo his service dog
Both Alepo and I attended the 2018 California Council of the Blind conference and convention held on March 21st-26th, 2018 in Sacramento, California where I met Marilyn M von Foerster, PT who was promoting her BackTpack, which is actually “side-packs” that make carrying anything much easier for individuals, such as me. This was especially helpful

Ed C.
March 2018
Everyday, Special Needs, Travel

Osteoporosis With Compression Fracture

Great bag. I use it for my main shopping. I was horrified to realise the damage a rucksack does to ones posture young or old. I have severe osteoporosis with a T5 compression fracture so I certainly don’t want to make it worse. Thanks for a wonderful invention.

Elaine C.
December 2018
Everyday, Special Needs

Pain Reduced in TMJ, Neck and Shoulders

I completed my Animal Biology Degree at the University of Guelph. Normal backpacks put a lot of strain on my shoulders, neck and back which in turn inflamed my TMJ or temporal-mandibular joint disorder. I found the BTP4 helped fix my posture and reduce the strain on my neck and shoulders, which reduced the inflammation

Michelle, Ontario CA
September 2019
School, Special Needs

BackTpack Facilitates Upright Posture

The unique design of the BackTpack distributes the weight of the contents perfectly between the shoulders and pelvis. Unlike other backpacks which can place their weight on the upper back or unevenly on the torso, the BackTpack facilitates upright posture of the user and supports ease of movement. It is highly recommended for people who

Sandra Rosen, Ph.D., COMS, PT
Coordinator, Program in Orientation and Mobility San Francisco State University
April 2020
Professional Recommendations, Special Needs

I am truly amazed and thrilled with this product.

This product is amazing! I have been looking for something like this since I became a white cane user over four years ago. As a blind/visually impaired person, our hands are already occupied with our guide dog and/or white cane. We have to bend a lot to care for our dogs who are our eyes

Tracey T
Visually impaired with guide dog and white cane
June 2017
Everyday, Special Needs

Pain Relief in Back, Neck and Shoulders for Guide Dog Handler

Woman with guide dog in comfort and balance using her BackTpack
I got your product from someone who had bought a number to resell. I’ve had it since mid June and have to say that it’s an incredible product! I have arthritis and deteriorative disk disease in my neck and upper spine, C6 through T4. This came about as a result of carrying heavy computer bags

Jenine S.
February 2025
Everyday, Special Needs, Travel

Life Made Easier for Blind Person with Guide Dog and White Cane

This product is amazing! I have been looking for something like this since I became a white cane user over four years ago. As a blind/visually impaired person, our hands are already occupied with our guide dog and/or white cane. We have to bend a lot to care for our dogs who are our eyes

Tracey S.
June 2015
Everyday, Special Needs

Voice Improvement for Singer

You asked about my motivation behind the purchase of the BackTpack and it was really to try and reduce (and hopefully eliminate) pain and discomfort from my traditional backpack. I sing for a living, and so any undue stress or tension immediately manifests in my voice and affects my work. This is a big part

Eulis Kay
April 2019
Everyday, Special Needs

Comfort Compartments and Compliments

I like the BackTpack because it feels good to wear it. I love it! I love all the compartments, the color, the way it feels, the water bottle holder. With my low vision, the yellow is really bright against the purple and I get compliments on it all the time. I like the comfort, especially

Janie M.
May 2018
Everyday, Kids, Special Needs